Homemade Unicorn Lamp
- Empty Mason Jar
- Spray Paint
- Printed Unicorn Silhouette
- Tape
- Battery Operated Tea Light
Watch our step by step video here on TikTok
- First thing’s first, print out a small silhouette of a unicorn and cut it out.
- Tape the unicorn onto one side of the mason jar. Make sure it is really on there.
- Using any color, or colors, you like, spray paint the mason jar. Make sure the paint does not get under the unicorn paper.
- Sometimes we have to wait for art so set aside and let dry. Trust me, it will be worth it.
- Dry yet? Great! Now you can remove the unicorn silhouette from the mason jar and see the unicorn outline in the paint.
- Insert a tea light into the jar and watch as it lights up your unicorn!